When is the Best Time to Move?

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When is the Best Time to Move?

Timing is important to your personal life as well as the moving industry. There are certain times of year that are better suited for moving than others, especially for those living in San Diego.


Winters can be treacherous and filled with blizzards and ice storms. Because of this, winter may not be the best option for moving. Industry experts note that while winter can be difficult to move in, it can often be the cheapest since many people aren’t moving locally or long distances. Summer is the most popular time of year to move, especially close to the beginning of the school year as people settle in new locations. Additionally, moving at the beginning or end of the month can be costly as more people tend to move in between leasing periods.

After considering the weather and season that might work best for your move, it’s important to think about your personal life and what works best for you. Some questions to ask yourself before determining when to move:

  • What does my timeline look like for moving?
  • Do I need to look into storage units if I move long distance?
  • How much time will I have to dedicate to moving, either for a long distance drive or for moving in-town?

Establishing a timeline is very important, no matter what type of move it is. How much money do you need to save and how long will it take? When should you start looking for a job? If you are moving for school, when are applications due? Once you have established your timing, you can determine the right time to move while considering the weather implications for San Diego residents.

Overall, determining the best time to move can be a difficult process. However, by considering personal responsibilities, seasonal changes and industry expertise, developing a timeline and plan can be easier and make the moving process more enjoyable, whether you are moving across the country or a few blocks away.

Key Takeaways

  • It is cheaper to move in winter than summer, although you then you have to deal with the chance of bad weather like snow and ice.
  • Establishing a timeline is a key component to determining the best time to move on a personal level.
  • Create a plan for your move based on your own personal reasons and industry expertise.

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